Thursday, July 14, 2011

Unit 9

Today's new unit is about waves. We learned that waves are just a transfer of energy. Waves and vibration can easily be confused. Waves are up and down motion with direction (in class defined as a wiggle in time and space), vibration is just up and down motion. A medium is a substance by which another substance is carried or transferred. Light and sound are good examples of waves. Light comes from the sun and travels at the speed of light. Light is special because it doesn't need a medium to transfer through. Sound, like radio waves, travel through air (the medium) in longitudinal waves.
There are two types of waves we learned about. Transverse waves, in which energy moves perpendicular to wave motion, and longitudinal waves, in which energy moves parallel to wave motion.

A wave length is measured from two corresponding points, like crest to crest and trough to trough. The crest is the top of the lump and the trough is the low scoop in the diagram. Wave lengths can also be represented by the Greek sign lambda. Wave lengths travel the fastest in the most dense medium. An amplitude is measured by the midpoint of the wave to a crest, as shown in diagram.
We also learned yet another new equation:
v = ƒλ 
V = velocity, ƒ = frequency, as measured in hertz, and λ  = wave length, what I just explained. Frequency is defined as the number of oscillations (cycles) per second.
Credit to:

My candid shot of Ari & the spring pen lab is a reminder of what we learned today! In this lab, we tried to knock down certain whiteboard pens by only using a very large slinky and our knowledge of waves. I'll give you a hint: we succeeded using constructive and destructive interference!


  1. Oh, me being sexy//sarcasmmmm. :D

    Oscillation is a fascinating word, isn't it? Having both an S and a C next to each other (see what I did there?).

    And you mentioned the FM and AM radio stuff. I wonder what FM and AM stand for...

  2. my amazing picture taking skills + your fabulous modeling talent(:
    OH HO HO~ oSCillation & faSCination.
    idk maybe we should look that up.

  3. Umm...the 2 comments above......scare me....

    Anyway (shiver), Jess - I like how you explained about the common misconception that waving goodbye is a wave (you explained that it's actually a vibration)

    However, I found 2 small errors (nothing to beat yourself up about)

    1) You said "Sound travels through things like radio waves". Actually, radio waves ARE the sound. The "thing that it travels through" (the medium) is AIR. (Sorry about caps - I have no bold =(

    2) Wavelength can be measured from 2 corresponding points (not necessarily only between troughs or crests - anywhere on the wave, as long as the 2 points correspond).

    Other than that, very thorough post, Jess! Great job!

  4. What is the SC.. In addition to Sean finding some minor errors, you should also check your spelling because some of it is atrocious.

    "1) You said "Sound travels through things like radio waves". Actually, radio waves ARE the sound. The "thing that it travels through" (the medium) is AIR"

    This was actually very good. I would have never caught that, in fact I would probably end up writing something like that in my own post..

  5. @Sean: You're a lifesaver!! Thank youuu(:

    @Amber: My spelling is atrocious? Last I checked, I didn't spell anything incorrectly. Why don't you correct your grammar before trying to correct my spelling?
    If you must know what "SC" is, I'll explain it to you tomorrow.
    I'm glad I could make that silly mistake before you did. As long as it helps you out.

  6. You're welcome, Jess! It's never a problem to help you out =)

    Btw, I made a prototype (1st draft) song! It turned out pretty good, but NO PEEKING XD XP

  7. I really like the pictures you chose, the first one is so artistic :)
    Your overview of the unit was very helpful, it made a lot of sense!

  8. @Sean: Oh alright. That was fast
    @Sandra: Thanks(: Yay I'm glad it did!
