Thursday, July 21, 2011


What is Physics? What did you learn?
It's more like what ISN'T physics...Physics is the study of energy, force, and motion of matter. In my opinion, one of the hardest sciences, because it involves a lot of math. Physics defines the world around us and explains why things move and look the way they do. For example, we know that the sky is blue because of the high frequency particles bouncing around in the atmosphere. When sunsets are very pretty and highly saturated with warm colors, it is because of the mass amount of stuff in the air. We can use physics to explain what seems to be the unexplainable. 

We can also use physics when dealing with simple concepts you get from just living and experiencing life. We all know by this age that things fall due to gravity, and things accelerate when pushed. But by taking this class, we can find the exact numbers that correlate to what we see. I don't think anyone knew any of d=1/2at^2+Vot, V= Vo+at, and V^2=Vo^2+2ad. Now, if we really wanted to, we can predict anything from the distance of a ball rolling off a counter, to dropping an egg three stories and having it NOT break, to keeping a bottle rocket in the air for ten whole seconds! 

What did you think about the class? What could be modified?
It was a lot of fun, but a lot of work in the beginning to get into the fast paced environment. Good thing we had an awesome teacher to help us through the whole six weeks :) I honestly liked this class, despite all the math. I think that our tests could be a little bit shorter.Maybe if we had more quizzes, our test could be shortened.

Commentary & Feedback?
Thanks Mr Blake for an awesome year of physics in just six weeks :) & a thank you to my amazing table group who worked so hard this summer! It's been interesting. We're done guys! We made it through!


  1. Oh yeah! We definitely had an interesting group, and we worked well together, didn't we? Helping each other out and stuff.

  2. Yeah, there was certainly a ton of complicated math in this class (compared to bio and chem). But at least we didn't have to do a field experiment (bio....), and at least we didn't have 2 final scantron exams (cheeeem....)

    Nice to have you in class, Jess!

  3. @Ari: it was awesome :)
    @Sean: true. you also!
