Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Unit 3

In unit three, we covered a lot of material on acceleration. It was a difficult concept to understand, since it is built upon velocity, time and distance, of which were just taught to us several days ago. It is also hard to read the graphing of yet another idea, acceleration vs time. 
Source: YouTube 

In this video, Commander David Scott tests Galileo's theory that an object's mass does not affect the velocity at which it falls (as long as there is no air resistance). Since he was on the moon, wich is essentially a vacuum, the feather and the hammer fell at the same rate and hit the ground at the same time.

Physics could also be applied to rain. I always thought that the larger the drop -> the heavier the drop -> the faster it falls from the sky. Now I know that using Galileo's theory, the mass of the drop is independent from the velocity it travels at. 


  1. this video could not be more related to what we are learning right now - good job! (although don't forget to site it b4 mr. blake sees!)

  2. Thanks Sandra! I remember watching this video back in seventh grade... I think you were also in Ms Lindgren's class? And yes, thank you very much for reminding me!

  3. that is a great video for this unit. Eliminating air resistance from the factors of the drop really backed up galileo's point. Good job.

  4. omg...i ttly forgot we saw this video. you have a good memory, i didnt even recognize it!!
